Friday, June 1, 2012

Minor body repair

As you saw in the video in my last post, there was a little contact with the 48 kart.  Below is a closer look of the right side body panel where you can see the crease and tire mark.  There is a crack and a weakened area that concerned me.

Not wanting to further disturb Lian's graphics, I elected to put a fiberglass reinforcing patch just on the backside of the panel.

While I was busy with that, Lian worked to clean the tires with a new heat gun we added to the toolbox.  As you might imagine, the shop was really smelly with fiberglass resin and hot rubber!

We also replaced the sticky throttle cable and made a plan for lighting on the kart.  Next race will be at night so we were excited to race under the lights.  The club allows the teams to add lights as long as nothing falls off during competition.


  1. That's so awesome that Lian is getting into the workings of it all. I bet all of you guys are just having so much fun with it all.

    Hey, was that camera you showed me a brochure from that shop called a "Contour Camera"? I couldn't remember but I am thinking about buying this one with the GPS. It is super sweet for tracking speeds and in my case elevation. It also has sound and best of all you can bluetooth it to your iPhone for a preview to set up proper alignment.

  2. Yeah, Lian likes working with some of the more interesting tools.

    I can't recall the camera brochure I brought to you but it did have a high-end model with integrated GPS. Will we see posts on your blog with trail footage soon? Can't wait for that!
