Thursday, May 31, 2012

Points race 3 - part 2

Okay, now I'm back in town and have a little bit of time.  Just wanted to add a video from the race two weeks ago.  I was struggling with it when I literally ran out of time before my flight so here it is.

(Video removed)

Just so you know, this is not normally how a pass will happen.  Lian did everything right and did not get black flagged for this.  She clearly had the inside position going into the left hander and the 48 kart driver simply didn't know she was there on his inside. The rules are if you are passing and can get the nose of your kart up to the middle of your  opponent's, your opponent must give you racing room.  She was well beyond this when they made contact.  He learned a lesson about being aware on the track.

Unfortunately, this contact was not without damage.  Lian's right body panel now has a significant crack in the middle and a tire witness mark on it.  I've cleaned most of the tire mark off but repairing the crack will be more involved.  I'm going to try to fiberglass it before the next race.  Oh and as far as we know, the 48 kart sustained no damage.

Next race will be a night race on the 9th of June.  It will be our first under lights.  Hopefully, my work will not keep us from racing.  Thanks for reading!

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