Monday, September 17, 2012

September 16 - spectators and volunteers

Lian was greeted by her fellow competitors warmly and with sympathy.  She enjoyed the attention but eventually grew tired of telling the story.  Mom and Dad visited with other families, even helped one with a chain alignment issue before heading over to do our volunteer duties.

Mom signed-up to run the scales and Dad became a corner worker for the Heats and Features.  During the practices, we also told Lian's story over and over but it was nice that all the other families were concerned.

When intermission time came, Lian asked if she could announce the starting lineup for her class Feature race on the PA system.  The club president graciously not only allowed her to do it, but introduced her and her circumstances to the crowd.  He added lightly "...she was hurt playing football, not on the track.  It just proves that Karting is safe and football is not!"

Here she is giving the lineup to the crowd on the starting grid...

I gained an appreciation for the work the corner workers and Race Director have to do to put the races on fairly and safely.  Sometimes, things don't seem fair to the competitors but the volunteers I worked with did their best to be unbiased and responsive.  It is a long day in the sun for a track volunteer, and it was not even that hot Sunday!  Fortunately, concessions are free for corner workers at intermission.

We will see what the doctor says about Lian competing on September 30.  I'll try to post here with news.

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