Thursday, September 13, 2012

Race day cut short

I had to work the night before the race so I was tired at the track.  I was also excited to see how our new gauge would work and to see how comfortable Lian would be with yet more padding in the seat.

Practice went pretty well and we tried a few different air pressures to get Lian the best traction.  The new guage was working great and I was adding a little tape after each of the practice sessions to get the engine hotter and reduce drag from the cooling fan.

After the first heat, the drivers did there normal "touch" football in the field nearby.  This is where our day went wrong.  Lian tumbled to the ground and while she was there, one of the boys fell on top of her.  She heard a "pop" followed by pain in the right shoulder.  When Lian came to the trailer to describe the events, she was obviously in pain.  After a short visit with the EMT posted at the track, we packed-up and headed for home to have her seen at our local ER.

She didn't cry until the EMT told her that she was done for the day.  That is when it became tragic!
Here she is in the ER treatment room after the doctor did all that can be done for a non-displaced clavicle fracture (sling).

After a Motrin and some ice, she was feeling a little better.  Sleep was not easy the first night so she didn't go to school on Monday but she has managed every day since so the worst is behind her.

Lian has asked to go back to the track next week as a spectator so she can watch the action and catch-up with her friends - even the one that landed on her!  We plan to go.  We can get some volunteer points with the club to offset the two (at least) DNFs she will have.  Next week, Lian will see the family doctor and we'll get an idea if she can race again on Sept 30.

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