Monday, October 27, 2014

Fun race with a different kart

After the win the week before, it was no rest for the weary crew chief who worked to assemble a kart for the next season early enough to get Lian on the track for the fun race.  This is a non-points race where the drivers that are planning to run the next class-up are allowed to do so.  There is also no weigh-in or tech inspection. Lian wants to run Senior Animal class next year so here was her chance to try it out.

Arrow chassis with bodywork.  Lots of work to do!
We purchased a used Arrow chassis without engine, hubs or wheels but with bodywork, seat and fuel tank.  I decided to add brand new parts to this kart for the next season, including a new engine.  There was much to do.  My good friend Doug and Rocketech Motorsports not only gave me a good price on all that I needed but also did some short-fused machine work and gave lots of advice on setting up this new-to-me kart.

Unfortunately, due to my work schedule and the delivery date of the engine, most of the work had to be done in two days.  With Diana's help and support, I made it and got the engine properly broken-in and track ready in time.
Engine installed - finally.

While loading the trailer, we discovered the door opening is too narrow for the kart!  Not wanting to tilt the heavy kart to load it, we opted to remove the rear bumper, one rear wheel and a side pod to get it in.  Anyone know a good deal on an enclosed trailer?

I was rather nervous to send Lian on the track the first time with a kart that had been assembled entirely by me in a mad rush.  Not only that, she was running with no restrictor plate and with a older crowd of competitors.  I needn't have worried because aside from some minor adjustments, she was mostly ready to go and go hard.
Lian (third place) mixing it up with the fast guys in the Senior Animal class.
The race format was adjusted to make it fun and different this week.  There was a chicane added to the long straight and the turn entry on another turn was altered with some more cones.  Additionally, instead of a rolling start the race director set-up a shifter kart style start (standing start from your grid position).  You can hear them rev against the clutch lockup rpm in anticipation!

Lian kept up with the quickest in the group and really showed what she was made of.  The kart was not scaled properly, nor was the front end set-up.  She and the kart weighed 325 lbs. with the weights I had initially installed. I added about 15 more pounds at the track between practices.  This puts her close to the required 345 lbs. for her new class but it was placed without the benefit of scales.  She also did this without the larger tire size most are running.

Enjoy this helmet camera footage of the Feature race.

Long story short, Lian finished second in her very first feature!  She was complemented by many at the track for her confidence and skill.  She kept her cool in some tight situations and passed some spinning karts in the grass to get to that place so - I'm very proud!  Shouldn't have worried, eh?
Pretty high on the podium for a rookie in Senior Animal!

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