Sunday, July 6, 2014


For those of you who missed us, I'm very sorry for the absence.  For those of you that are new, well, I took a multi-month break from blogging due to some family circumstances.  We did not actually stop racing though so I'm going to have to catch, you up.

Here is a synopsis: Lian is still running in the  "Briggs Restricted Junior" class as she did last year.  Same weight limit and same restrictor plate.  Preparation for this season was focused on some minor work on the body and general maintenance.  A few fiberglass patches on some cracks and some fresh graphics took care of the body.  I was happy with the good looks of the kart and we featured it in front of our club display at the auto show.

New club rules added a lower bar to the rear bumper so I fabricated that and installed, it.  Our driver changed the size of her helmet and seat so new were purchased.  I elected to have Gary Lawson install the seat as he is an expert and could do it more quickly and accurately.  While he worked on it, he set the front end alignment and set the weights so we would have the proper balance and cross weights.

The club had hoped to pave the extensions in the fall but was unable to drain, dry and prepare the road bed in the wet weather.  Plan "B" was to try to get on the paving company's schedule in the spring or summer.  Track preparations this spring spent extra time cleaning up from the failed paving attempts from the fall.

As I write this, we just completed race 7.  We were able to get Lian to all but one of these races.  Here are her results:

Race 1: 4th                               Race 5: 2nd
Race 2: 3rd                               Race 6: 3rd
Race 3: (missed)                       Race 7: 3rd
Race 4: 4th

Races 5 and 6 she did without her regular crew chief (me) and obviously, she managed very well.  Race 5 was assisted by my younger brother and he clearly was a positive influence!

Race 7 was in very nice weather.  Lian was confident enough with the set-up that she only ran one practice.  Looks like her attitude was justified as she set a personal best time!

She started 4th in the feature and managed this pass at the start for 3rd.  She held on for the rest of the rest of the race.  Here is a link to the start of the race.

Next race is the first Saturday night race of the season.  Looking forward to running under the lights!

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