Friday, November 9, 2012

Beaver Run race - victim of Sandy

Hurricane Sandy came ashore and combined with a strong cold front from the midwest and, well, you probably know the rest.  Suffice to say that the entire weekend was a complete washout.  Fortunately, with the forecast looking gloomy, we did not send any money to the organizers so we didn't have to ask for it back.

We expected that to be our last race of the season.  Lian was disappointed we missed out.  The club planned another "fun" race on Nov 4th but we were going to skip it because it was a non-points race and I would have had to trade my work day.  Being the good dad, I leaned on a friend and swapped shifts.  Unfortunately, I'm not writing about that race because Superstorm Sandy's after-effects postponed that race until Nov 10 (tomorrow).

So we are looking forward to the final race of the 2012 season.  The club officers told us that we could let Lian run in the next class so we are setting-up for the Briggs Restricted Junior class.  We'll let you know how it goes.  Hopefully, she won't overheat her rear tires with all that new-found power!

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